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John Fusselman

My story is one of trial and error, mostly error.  I was raised in a loving middle class family in North Dallas.  Growing up from ages 5-17 I attended an affluent Baptist church.  Unfortunately, our family was not affluent. My mother and I felt like we just didn’t belong, but that did not stop me from trying.  I also tried in High School. I never achieved the level of popularity that I craved. I should have payed attention to God instead. I should have admired my peers who followed Jesus.  In my twenties and thirties I continued to seek worldly items. It took me two decades to figure out what was important in life. I finally found God when I was 37.  Thank you Lord! Better late than never. For three years God worked on ridding me of my very obvious faults. He is still working on me to this very day to cleanse my deeper hidden faults. We are told in Philippians 1:6 that “God began a good work in us and I am sure he will continue it when Jesus Christ comes again.”  


I will not lose heart, but I will have faith that I am loved and an important part of his plan!  I will continue to grow closer to God with my amazing wife Diana and our adorable son Halsey. We pray everyday that we will be better parents and husbands and wives and people.  

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